HK History Series 05

Put “Hong Kong” at the Center of Hong Kong


我做了一個香港島形狀的座標,放在香港島的中心。座標是不銹鋼雕塑,長闊高約爲:24.5cm X 13.7cm X 5cm,香港島的中心位置(見a)大概在陽明山莊東南方向的一條小徑上,離大潭郊野公園入口約400m(見b)。座標鑲嵌在香港島的中心,僅露出表面的香港圖形(見c),圖形的頂部指向北方。(這段時間香港人在討論:甚麼人才有資格管治香港?)
I made a sign (a stainless steel sculpture) in the shape of Hong Kong Island, and put it at the center of the Hong Kong Island. I use a minimum rectangle to enclose the Hong Kong Island. The cross of the diagonals is the center of Hong Kong. The sculpture is 24.5cm X 13.7cm X 5cm. (During this period, people were debating on what kind of person should govern Hong Kong.)