The Frieze London 2012 stand prize has been awarded to Vitamin Creative Space, “Pak Sheung Chuen: Left & Right, Blue & Sky”, stand E6.

Art Review:
Pak Sheung Chuen at Beijing’s Vitamin Creative Space work was simultaneously beautiful and comic: on a plinth were two grids of halved peanuts, neatly organised into rows – one containing all the right halves, the other all the left – positioned so that each half corresponded to its other. Other works by the artist included a largescale photograph of a magnified night sky, with all the constellations of light covered over with black paint. It was a neat hang, in a very small space, rightly awarded the Best in Show gong by the fair organisers. (By Oliver Basciano & Laura McLean-Ferris)
Interview: 明報2012-12-28

Art Review:
Pak Sheung Chuen at Beijing’s Vitamin Creative Space work was simultaneously beautiful and comic: on a plinth were two grids of halved peanuts, neatly organised into rows – one containing all the right halves, the other all the left – positioned so that each half corresponded to its other. Other works by the artist included a largescale photograph of a magnified night sky, with all the constellations of light covered over with black paint. It was a neat hang, in a very small space, rightly awarded the Best in Show gong by the fair organisers. (By Oliver Basciano & Laura McLean-Ferris)
Interview: 明報2012-12-28